Link’s plan portfolios are tailored to the individual—and can help put retirement worries to rest
Shopping for clothes? Some of us can buy off the rack, and some can’t.
But when it comes to a savings portfolio, “tailor-made” is a must.
For financial advisors, the term “suitability” has taken on a new meaning as part of client-focused reforms that are reshaping the industry—one of which directs advisors to directs advisors to “put the client’s interest first.”
Link Investment Management is a disruptive innovator in the world of employer-sponsored compensation plans. And portfolio suitability has always been a cornerstone of our financial wellness solutions, including our defined contribution (DC) Multi-Employer Pension Plan (MEPP).
“The benefits of a Link savings solution are long-lasting—and, most importantly, they’re personalized,” says Brian McClennon, President and CEO of Link Investment Management.
“Investment suitability for the individual is central to our offerings. The individualized, prescribed portfolios in Link’s financial wellness plans—our MEPP, Group RRSPs and Group TFSAs—are matched to personal risk profiles, timelines and investment objectives.”
Small to midsize Canadian businesses considering a Link savings vehicle can take comfort in knowing that our plans can put their employees’ retirement worries to rest through a multitude of benefits.
They include:
- Link’s own proprietary robo-advisor algorithm, which alongside our passive investment model and the use of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) offers more flexibility and lower fees
- Automatic and regular portfolio rebalancing, and annual member checkups, to ensure proper ongoing asset allocation
- An easy-to-use, fully digital platform with 24/7 access
- Full transparency with respect to fee disclosure
Link’s turnkey solution—which also includes portfolio management services, dedicated administration and support, and a wide range of plan offerings—can give independent wealth advisors a much-needed competitive edge for small to midsize employers within their clientele.
“Suitability has never been more important for wealth advisors and their clients,” notes Mr. McClennon. “Here at Link, suitability is already baked right into our solutions—it’s in our DNA.”