Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?


  • I have not enrolled in my company’s retirement plan. How do I get started? 

    Contact your HR that you want to be enrolled. Your HR will upload your demographic data to our platform. Once the demographic file is uploaded we will add you to the Plan. In 24 hrs you will receive onboarding invitation email to onboard to the Plan.

  • Do my investments roll over from the relinquishing provider to my new Link account? 
    Your previous provider will liquidate your investments and will transfer out the cash $ amount to our Custodian. Link will allocate the cash received to your account at Link.

  • Will I have access to real people? 
    Link’s customer support team is available to answer any questions about your account.

General Questions

  •  I forgot my member account password, what do I do? 
    Click on Forgot your Username or Password in login screen and enter your email address. The system will send you an email to reset your username/Password.

  • Can I reset my questionnaire or portfolio? 
    For any questionnaire or portfolio management questions, please contact support.

  • What if I am no longer with my employer? Do I need to move my funds?
    If you are no longer with your employer, you must either transfer or withdraw your funds within 90 days of your termination date.

  • How to do a transfer?
    1. Go to another financial/investing institution.
    2. Sign transfer documents (T2033 and any other applicable documents) with the other institution.
    3. The account information for Link can be found on your Link dashboard by following the ‘Withdrawal’ steps but select ‘Transfer’.
    4. Ask the other institution to fax the transfer document(s) to 403-264-4378.

  • How do I withdraw from my Group Plan?
    1. Log into the Link Platform.
    2. Select the Gear near the top right of the screen
    3. Select ‘Money Movement’
    4. Choose the plan you want to withdraw from
    5. Select ‘Withdrawal’
    6. Complete the withdrawal form

    Note: The funds can be sent via EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or mailed cheque.

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