Link offers a ‘true triple threat’ with innovative workplace equity, savings and health plan management

If you keep tabs on equity plan management industry activity, this transaction was hard to miss.

In mid-February, investment banking giant Morgan Stanley announced a $1.1-billion acquisition of Calgary-based Solium Capital Inc., which provides cloud-enabled share and equity plan management services.

In 1999, Solium was a Calgary startup with a successful recipe for disruptive innovation. Twenty years later, Link Investment Management is following in those footsteps—while also breaking new ground.

“Like Solium, we provide equity plan management—and, additionally, we offer savings and health plan administration—through our cloud-based platform and proprietary ‘robo-advisor’ algorithm,” says Brian McClennon, Link’s President and CEO.

“That’s why we see ourselves at Link as a true ‘triple threat’ in the area of workplace financial wellness plan administration,” he adds. “Equity is an important component of our value proposition, but the larger opportunities for Link are in the savings and health-plan markets—which are exponentially larger.”

Automation is disrupting the pension and savings industry, and Link is accelerating that change. As a growing innovator in the workplace financial wellness sector, Link’s approach is simplifying and strengthening the way investment decisions are made.

And with the accompanying lower fees, they’re alleviating much of the burden that employers face in providing a pension for their workforce—while also allowing employees to build a more financially secure future.

Link’s equity plan management options include Employee Share Purchase Plans (ESPPs) and Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOP) that motivate and engage employees and reward them for company bottom-line success.

Link’s leading-edge solutions also apply to workplace savings plans and health plans—including our defined contribution LINK Multi Employer Pension Plan, Deferred Profit Sharing Plans (DPSPs), Group RRSPs, Group TFSAs and Health Spending Accounts (HSAs)—that collectively furnish Link with that true “triple threat.”

Link is the only workplace financial wellness entity that consolidates all three typical employer compensation programs—savings programs, equity plans and health benefits—into a single platform.

“There’s an ongoing evolution in workplace financial plan management,” notes Mr. McClennon, “and Link is at the leading edge.”