Currency Hedging

Currency Hedging

When investing outside of Canada, whether it be into Fixed Income or Equities, hedging your foreign investments to the Canadian $ serves two primary purposes: Fluctuations in exchange rates will affect investment returns depending on whether the Canadian dollar...
Currency Hedging

Long-Term Effect of Lower Fees

Over the long-term, fees have a significant effect on the growth of a portfolio. Paying an extra 1% or 1.5% in fees per year can leave an investor with a meaningfully lower amount at retirement. To illustrate this, lets compare two investment funds over a 25-year...

What are ETFs?

An Exchange-Traded Fund, or ETF for short, are securities that trade on a stock exchange and are often designed to track another asset such as a stock index, commodity or even a currency. Since the launch of the first ETF in 1990, the market has grown to exceed US...

Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation is a popular investment strategy where an investor spreads investments into different asset classes in such a way that they achieve a desired risk/return outcome. Most of us are familiar with the saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”, this...
Currency Hedging

What is Indexing?

Index investing or “Indexing” is a passive investment strategy (also commonly known as “buy and hold”), where an investment is made in a security like an ETF that tracks a stock index such as the S&P/TSX Composite. On the other hand, an active investment strategy...